Monday, April 28, 2014

Cartoons About Lil Ol Me!

I have recently been the butt, and often the bald head, of many cartoon gags the last month or so. Check these out and see what I mean! I personally find it very flattering.

Thank you, Rene of Alison Ward!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

A Comic Story! Part Two

Here is the second installment of a new mini-series I am writing. I hope you enjoy it. I came up with TONS of ideas for more of these, so this may last longer than I expected.
rogue symmetry derrick g. wood

A Comic Story! Part One

Here is the first, of an unknown number, comic that is about a cartoonist named Derrick. Totally not about me. It is a completely different bald cartoonist who wears orange shirts a lot. Totally not me. Totally

This may be a three part mini-series or it may become a month long story. I truly don't know. 

Thanks for looking,
Derrick (A totally different one than the guy in this comic.)

rogue symmetry 17th radish by derrick g wood

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

A Comic About The Transmogrifier

Thank you Calvin, for such a wonderful invention. I only wish it worked.

new comic shows cartoonist hiding in dark basement with calvin and hobbes transmogrifier

Farce Family Humor Magazine

I got contacted by an online (at least for now) cartoon site asking if they can start posting my cartoons. Like, duh, of course you can! The more places the merrier! In addition to Rogue Symmetry, there are a lot of toons on the site that will make you literally laugh out loud (LLOL).

Click on HERE to check it out!

A Comic About Hypochondriacs

a comic man looks up hypochondria in dictionary and worries he has that illness