Thursday, July 4, 2019

A Comic About Arizona Summers

the sun beats a man up and man says i hate Arizona summers

You'll think this is only a webcomic until you visit me in the Summer.


Tuesday, July 2, 2019

A Comic About An Embryo Prisoner


comic with embryo drawing roman numerals inside the uterus like a prisoner by derrick g wood

This reminds me of one of my favorite comedy bits by the amazing Steven Wright:

When I was a baby, I kept a diary. Recently, I was rereading it. It said, "Day 1 -- Still tired from the move. Day 2 -- Everybody talks to me like I'm an idiot."

A Comic About Burning Vampire, LaGoth

O Sun, bringer of life death.

a comic vampire is burning in the daylight realizing his meeting was at midnight not noon

Monday, July 1, 2019

A Comic About Gary Larson and Larsonitis


a comic about a cartoonist worried he is ripping off the far side by gary larson larsonitis

There is more truth to this than humor, honestly. I read The Far Side in the newspapers a lot in the early 90s, but I certainly didn't see every single one. Far from it, actually. I'd say I probably saw The Far Side about ten times a month. Now I've read through his entire collection at least four times (starting years after I started cartooning) and I am absolutely shocked how many of my cartoons are actually concepts that Gary Larson drew decades before I even ''thought'' of it! I sincerely worry that people will think I just tried to rip him off!